Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Marketing Communication Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

Marketing Communication - Research Paper Example Marketing communication is new as compared to the corporate world. While this may sound surprising, it is not so. Some gurus feel that marketing as a process started as early as the advent of the private sector, but that argument is not entirely correct. We must note that while the corporate world first came into the world, there was no need whatsoever to market itself to the public at large – the public followed their bidding as they desired. But today, with the world entirely under the mercy of globalization and corporate expansion, customers have the freedom to choose and spoil themselves with getting the best every single time. So, today, the onus is up to corporate houses, which compete with each other in calling themselves the best. The need to promote and prosper was felt by the business world when it actually started expanding and catering to the needs of the world on a much higher scale. As mentioned earlier, the corporate world was born with marketing communication in its arsenal – it developed as a need of the hour. The ‘need of the hour’ was felt by the business world when globalization struck the world. New players started entering the market. Rival products began to come up. More than anything else, the technology developed on an unimaginably high scale – enough to cater to just about any need of the world. In such circumstances, certain corporate houses, especially those with money, power, and technology, found every reason to cut costs. And when costs were cut, products were more customer-friendly than ever before.

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